Vera Schneider & Bevin Smith


Vera Schneider & Bevin Smith

Vera Schneider & Bevin Smith

Contemporary Romance, Erotic Romance, LGBT

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  • Member Since

    Jul 2020

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    United States

  • Born

    21 February

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Two completely different persons have connected. But… they have never seen each other in person. Even more, they have never spoken to each other. Then how? How did it start? The Internet was so generous to let them find each other. They met here, online. Among the millions of users, their IP addresses linked up to detect similarities. Two completely different persons melded with the same interest: writing. And then the exchange of words began. A small trickle became a stream, and then a river, and finally an ocean of letters forming words. When the sun rises, Vera writes. When the sun goes down, Bevin takes over. Work put in unceasing motion so the books could come to light. Silence and noise are joined to create a perfect symphony.

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